Today is my first attended lecture class in this year. Ethnic relation. I thought that the lecture will be super-duper boring like our previous Titas's lecture. Must be some malay's ah-so or ah-pek will come in and start mumbling about their long-long-ago history and their personal matter. And then release us early due to their personal reason. But I am seriously surprised that our lecturer for this course is eventually a Chinese lady. She is quite talkative and carried a positive mind and a great vision. Our class seem lively and I didn't dose off. Waw!
*Pinch myself.. Ouch! it hurt.. unbelievable..*After class, with frank, fei and edmunt companiment, we headed to gym to work out. Frank wanted to upgrade his chest to a higher 'cup' level and I wanted to force my abdo-packs come out from my all-in-one stomach.. hahahaha. Later at night, which I have a very interesting story to share with u all.
Enjoyable yet troublesome night. Stay tune.....
Around 8.00pm, Frank, Fei, Esther and me were going to Setapak to buy Frank's medicine and then yamcha with Beeting. None of us know how to go to Setapak. With Frank's bro rough guidance, Ah Fei as Frank's navigator / Gps, had manage to guide frank to the destination. Then, You must be figuring out, What the heck were holim doing? Ok, I admit. I am a road-blind and can't really help to guide the way.I either shut up or talk crapz all the way to Setapak.. As a consequences, Frank teasing me all the way till Setapak. Wuwuwu. But but, don't think that I am 'fai chai ok'. I am prove to be very useful at the end. Serious.
When Frank had reached Setapak, the first destination that he stopped by is a pharmacy to purchase his meds. Due to the difficulty to find a parking place, Frank has to 'double-parking his car' and blocked few vehicles over there. In thought that he will be right back very soon, we were happily sit inside the car and have some chit-chatting. Hell break lose,
"Tio lottery also not so easy kena knn". One of the cars that Frank's car had blocked, wanted to move adi. What the big deal?
"Just drive the car away la... lolx.."Swt, the big deal is . . . . . all the people in the car ,
DO-NOT-KNOW-HOW-TO-DRIVE-A-MANUAL-CAR-BLOODY-HELLLLLL!!!!!! the situation turn out gross. You see me and I see you.. and together we see the angry-unpatient-driver and then see back the manual gear. Fcuk. Frank ler??? Haha, the
VERY-THE-MAN-HOLIM offered himself to take over the driver seat! Let me picture to you about how the surrounding inside the car look like.
Holim: "Okay, okay, I lai drive.. hope frank don kill me"
Fei: "Okay, okay. . lai lai.."
Esther: Screaminggggggggggg~~~
Holim: "Ok, hit the bloody clutch and switch to R-gear, and slowly release the clutch.."
The car move backward slowly.. .. and then chocked, engine died...
*Mind you, the screaming is still continue... never seem the end of it...*Holim: "Diu, start back the engine.. ok again... Ok, now switch to gear-1..... "
Fei: "Ei, I think u silap masuk la.... "
Holim: Yameh.. ok hit the bloody clutch and push that stick again.. "
Esther: Screamingggggggggg~~~~
The car start to move infront... and then engine died for second time...
Holim: "Fcuk..." start the engine immediately and have a fast glimse at the waiting driver.. Seem like he gonna open his bonet and pull out his parang dao adi... "Okay okay, the car is moving nicely and slowly to infront.."
The car had move to my desirable position and ...
Fei: Okay, okay. . . can liao, behind car can out liao.. stop"
Mission accomplished and the screaming stop.. What a good skill from Holim the driver , ah fei the advisor , and Esther the screamer who succesfully tensed up the surrounding.. plus all together, we save the world ! Hiargh.. ! \(^0^)/
Frank came back without realising his car had been moved till we told him what had happened. He is speechless.. haha. Fetched Beeting and together we enjoy our yamcha at a cafe called cola cafe.. We ordered different kind of drinks and some foods to bite.
The cola cafe
For get wat drink adi..
winter-grassland gua..
Blue ocean..gua
Manggo.. something
Super awful.. Coke yogurt.. and hell yea.. that is my drink neway..They has a live band over there. One singer and one pianist were allocated over there to live up the surrounding. We were so troublesome and not gonna make the singer to end his working day easily, ngek ngek ngek... We had requested them to sing some high-level songs such as 'Im Yours' and 'Zombie' . . Surprisingly, he did very well ! Beeting seem like crazy about that singer already.. This place is great. Though the foods and drinks are quite over-priced, but they do not include taxes.. great!
The live band
Around 12am. . We ended our yamcha. Okay, the enjoyable night had passed, and now is the troublesome part. As we reached UM, and entered through Kl gate. Frank had stopped by the guard over there. Because his car do not have sticker pasted on it. So, with the
same-old-lame excuses. "
Saya mau hantar orang masuk", Frank failed to pass through the gate ... without handed out his identical card for exhange for a entry pass. That mean, Frank's car cannot stay inside coll for tonight. So, the brilliant me, proved to be useful in the end.
BECAUSE, I have a sister lived outside Um and owned a car which had a
STICKER .... I suggested that franks park his car at my Sister's area, and I will borrow her car and drive both of us back to coll. So, he agreed. Thanks to my sis who are willing to woke up in the middle of her sleep to help me out.. We did according to the plan.. Park Frank's car outside of my Sis's apartment and together we back to coll with me driving Kelisa.. With the
ALMIGHTY-STICKER.. The guard seem to bow and knee down as they saw mine powerful
*such a good metafora*..We pass through the Kl gate with flying colour.. Just as easy as piss beeting off... So, back to coll with sleepy condition. And have to get up early to fetch my sister back to home tomorrow. And also fetch Frank to get his car back.. haha
Ps: Frank ah. . . You always laugh me don't know how to drive manual car.. Now I can lanc u back liao.. At the end.. You ma still need me the pro-auto driver to save you.. wakaka ...